Avr 25, 2018 in Coups de projecteur sur les membres, Nouvelles by DIACC
1. What is the mission and vision of Biometric Signature ID?
Our mission is to be the leading out-of-the-box multi-factor authentication solution that provides users with proven results where it counts and security when it matters most. Whether it’s verifying personal identity, securing banking transactions, safeguarding healthcare records, gating exams or CE, or online purchases, BSI’s mission is to help individuals and organizations control risk, reduce fraud, and maintain security compliance.
Using our revolutionary software-only biometric – BioSig-ID™, we can authenticate users anytime, anywhere, simply using a mouse, finger, or stylus.
2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?
As a society, we’ve arrived at this notion that securing one’s identity is a problem someone else should take care of. This is in spite of the fact that the number of data breaches has hit record highs and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. One could argue that hackers and fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated, but many companies and institutions are simply relying on the same outdated technology that left them just as vulnerable 20 years ago. With calls for new regulations, MFA solutions and better encryption methods being made daily, it’s clear that companies and consumers are looking for solutions that not only help protect their digital identity, but also keep them from being the victim of another breach and identity theft.
Trustworthy digital identity is crucial because it does and will continue to serve as one of the key pillars of security in today’s existing and emerging markets.
3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does Biometric Signature ID address challenges associated with this transformation?
As a globalized society, we rely heavily on digital technology to establish trans-national partnerships, trade on the world market, conduct global transactions and operate in our daily lives. As such, digital identity is a crucial platform for not only Canada, but the world as well. Virtually every facet of today’s global economy is affected somehow by digital technologies. Unfortunately, there are 100’s of thousands of hackers and bad actors who are looking to exploit these channels at any given time.
Our digital identities drive the very foundation of our lives which is why it’s crucial now more than ever, that we look for ways to safeguard our personal and corporate online identity. Biometric Signature ID addresses these very challenges by providing a unique twist to two highly-used security methods. By combining the ease of a password with the security of biometrics, BSI has developed the world’s first written password, that’s as accurate as a traditional biometric without any of the risk if compromised.
4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in the space?
As a world leader, Canada can take a hard look at the current digital environment and look for ways to make it better. There’s no question as to whether or not an issue exists with data breaches and fraud. The real question becomes, how will our leaders respond? Luckily, Canada is able to take charge and serve as an example of what good stewards in the digital identity space look like, as well as how they should act. Whether it’s through regulations, policies, or new initiatives, Canada can make the safe guarding of online identity and access management a top priority.
5. What else should we know about Biometric Signature ID?
Biometric Signature ID, based in Dallas, Texas, is the leading developer of biometric ID verification software solutions using multi-factor authentication (MFA). Recently, BSI was selected as a Top 10 Multifactor Authentication Solution for 2018 by Enterprise Security Magazine. The solution was independent third party tested at 99.97% accuracy and was selected 20 Most Promising Ed Tech companies by CIO REVIEW. Reports show a 98% user satisfaction rate and BioSig-ID is used by a worldwide family of users from 95 countries who have protected their identity over 12M times. BSI’s technology provides secure banking transactions, safeguards healthcare records, gates exams, protects against online theft and helps organizations to control risk, reduce fraud, manage security and maintain compliance.