DIACC’s objective is to unlock societal and economic opportunities by providing a framework to develop a robust, secure, scalable and privacy enhancing digital verification and authentication ecosystem that will decrease costs for governments, consumers, and business while improving service delivery and driving GDP growth.

DIACC is a collaborative member network that helps advance the adoption of digital trust and identity verification services. DIACC does not provide or sell identity verification services. 

If you are looking for products or services to meet your business needs, visit our Member Services Directory, where you can find a growing list of solutions our members offer.

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    DIACC Welcomes

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      All levels of government
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      Financial institutions
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      Telecommunications providers
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      IT providers
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      Payment Networks
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      Agencies and Commissions
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      Consumers and consumer associations
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      Academies and Educators

    DIACC Members

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      Canada’s digital economy

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      real-world challenges

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      early insights

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      with leaders

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      brand identity

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      business leads


    Identity Management leaders of Canada and globally join DIACC to address real-world challenges and leverage opportunities by developing secure, convenient, and privacy-respecting digital ID services to all Canadians. DIACC initiatives address and accelerate identity management for:

    • Canada’s full participation in the global digital economy
    • Modernization of digital service delivery
    • The development of Canada’s Innovation Agenda


      Gambit joined the DIACC to better understand the Digital Identity landscape, contribute biometric subject matter expertise so that the community can leverage all possible options, and share expertise related to the Government of Canada to the community.


      Payments Canada joined DIACC because identity and authentication is, and has always been crucial, for payments and will be doubly so as digital solutions are applied to this space. Our systems and processes are currently undergoing a profound modernization effort and it will be critical that Payments Canada aligns its modernization initiatives with a pan-Canadian digital ID framework.


      One of the principles of establishing DIACC is to provide a framework to develop a robust, secure, scalable and privacy-enhancing digital identification and authentication ecosystem. By joining the DIACC, 1Kosmos can contribute to the specifications and standards of digital portable identity.


      DIACC’s past and present leadership have created a forum where Canadians can come together and shape the future of our country’s Digital Identity ecosystem. Prodigy wants to contribute its expertise in the field of Digital Identity to the benefit of all Canadian citizens and businesses. It is our fervent belief that strong collaboration and leadership in this area is vital to the economic success of Canada, and we want to help.


      Having a finger on the pulse of digital identity is important for us, as we want to be an early adopter and participant, exploring a variety of use cases. DIACC is one of the few groups actively working with partners towards practical implementations of digital identity. We’re honoured to be a part of a collective that is just as hungry as we are to realize upon the potential that exists within this space.


      Building a secure digital Canada requires knowledge and input from all those in the industry, regardless of their role, size, or sector of business. The DIACC builds a great platform for everyone to work together towards a safer digital world. As one of the top information security hardware vendors for digital identity and authentication and with many years working with global clients, we believe we can offer valuable input to help the DIACC achieve its goals.


      We believe that a strong economy depends on safety and security, and that’s doubly so in cybersecurity. We support DIACC’s mission in this regard, and look forward to collaborating with the organization and its members to develop secure, scalable digital identification and authentication solutions that enable economic growth.


      DIACC’s President recently saw a demonstration of Boloro’s technology and invited Boloro to join its organization. Boloro is proud to be a member of DIACC and to be working with DIACC to further thought leadership in the crucial areas of identity validation and transaction verification. We see DIACC as a global leader in this space and want to work actively with DIACC on these initiatives.


      As the use of digital services continues to grow, so do the choices of technology and methods to verify and authorize digital identity. While it’s great to have choices, there is an increasing need to have trusted standards for interoperability so that digital services of different types can securely interact and process transactions. We see the objectives and progress that DIACC is making toward identity standards in Canada to be refreshing, encouraging, and greatly needed.
      The UXP Systems’ ULM platform brings multi-dimensionality to user identity through the complex relationships between users and organizations. These rich and powerful capabilities will thrive in an environment where identities of different types in different places can securely interact, and we see the work of DIACC and its members making positive steps toward this vision. We are proud to be part of this progress.


      Joining DIACC was an easy choice for us. Some of the main reasons include;

      1. Dramatic shifts in technology and accompanying approaches over the past decade have paved the way for IT service providers to partner around their core competencies and services. This inclusive, win/win mindset, creates more opportunity for all parties involved. We see DIACC as an organization that brings like-minded organizations together for the common good and this is in line with Vivvo’s corporate values.
      2. With digital identity at the heart of our CitizenOne eGov platform, we feel it’s very important to keep abreast of the positive work taking place in Canada. We believe DIACC is a great vehicle for collaboration and understanding how we as an industry can create the best experience for our clients.
      3. We love and use innovative, value based approaches for solving problems. DIACC brings many diverse types of organizations together to drive a deeper understanding of the challenges and the innovative solutions required to solve them.
      4. We embrace collaboration and want to be part of an industry organization that aligns to our core values. DIACC represents that opportunity for us.

      DIACC is the leading organization in Canada promoting values and principles for the Canadian digital identity ecosystem. International and open standard protocols are keys for the successful integration and development of technologies aiming to secure and protect customer’s identity information. Safran Identity & Security recognizes the important role played by DIACC to establish a secure, trusted, privacy-respective digital ID ecosystem in the region, and wants to be a main participant involved in developing the digital ID and authentication framework for Canada.


      The DIACC and Applied Recognition share the same goals of bringing to market robust, secure, scalable and privacy enhancing digital identification and authentication solutions. The DIACC helps connect us with a vibrant ecosystem of providers right here in Canada that are the driving forces behind public and private sector advancements through technology.
      It’s clear that working together on standards and frameworks will help us all bring technology to market with greater efficiency and interoperability which will lead to better outcomes for the public and private sector customers we serve.


      Securefact, a KYC regulatory technology (RegTech) firm with deep expertise in digital identity software solutions and AML/TF compliance advisory is keen to work closely with DIACC to support the development of a national trusted digital identity system.


      To learn from DIACC research and to share our insights into identity standards and lessons learned from Europe, specifically the UK and The Netherlands. Together with the other members we could drive the development and adoption of a Pan-Canadian Trust Framework. We have extensive knowledge and experience in working closely with Governments to develop population scale trust ecosystems.


      PlaceSpeak seeks to connect and network with other like-minded individuals and organizations. We were alone in the wilderness crying out for an identity ecosystem, and then one emerged in the form of DIACC. PlaceSpeak is committed to advancing best practices in citizen engagement and, in doing so, building trust in our democracy.


      DIACC is the organization leading the mobilization of the private sector to harmonize public sector approaches to Digital Identity and authentication with private sector needs and opportunities on Digital Identity and Digital Identity Standards in Canada. We share this objective. DIACC is an organization that is positioned to play an increasingly important role – and it’s also a great place for 2Keys to continue to learn and develop our capabilities and experiences. 2Keys has contributed and will continue to contribute to the good work being done by DIACC. – 2Keys


      DIACC brings together public and private sector on the specific issue of digital identities which is the number one issue for the continued success of Notarius. We joined DIACC because we perceived a DIACC focus on transactions as opposed to documents – the latter aspect appearing to be somewhat overlooked. We believe strongly that there can be no successful digital economy unless the specific legal and technology issues relating to binding identities to documents are discussed and resolved in the form of recognized standards, awareness & education, and inclusion in proofs-of- concept. This is our specific and distinguishable contribution to DIACC. – Notarius