The DIACC releases its Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF) Authentication Final Recommendation V1.2

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Chicago Title Insurance Company’s VerifID™ First PCTF Verified Person Service Provider

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ATB’s Oliu First DIACC PCTF-Certified Service Provider

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Securing Canada’s Digital Prosperity: Building Trust in Verification and Credentials Is a Shared Imperative

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Canadians Continue to Demand Transparency and Control Over Personal Data

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Voilà Verified Trustmark Program is Live – ‘duty of care’ a top priority

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Universal Digital Identity Policy Principles to Maximize Benefits for People: a shared European and Canadian Perspective

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Interoperability: Digital Identity You Can Use

The DIACC is committed to unlocking economic opportunities for Canadian consumers, and businesses by providing the framework to develop a robust, secure, scalable and privacy-enhancing digital identification and authentication ecosystem that will decrease costs for everyone while improving service delivery and driving GDP growth.

The DIACC Trust Framework Expert Committee (TFEC) represents a diversity of public and private sector stakeholders who collaborate to deliver resources that help to solve and secure identity including: validated use cases, standards, model agreements, international alignments, and informative policy development recommendations.

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DIACC Objectives

Accelerate Adoption

Reduce uncertainty, delivering educational resources including use cases, proofs of concept, innovation papers, audience research, podcasts, and hosting events that add context and insights to challenges and risks. 

Verify Services

Certify services against the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework, a set of auditable criteria developed through public and private sector collaboration to verify privacy, assurance, integrity, and trustworthiness are at the centre of the design.

Protect Privacy

Unlock inclusive and broadly accessible global digital economy benefits by promoting robust privacy protection and security measures in digital identity service design.


DIACC members collaborate in committees to accelerate digital identity services and establish an interoperable ecosystem Canadians can use with confidence. Our committees create and deliver resources that align with our 10 Principles of an Identity Ecosystem and Strategic Goals.

The DIACC Steering Council helps to guide and coordinate Expert Committee activities. The Steering Council is comprised of all Expert Committee chairs.

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Recent News

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    The DIACC releases its Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF) Authentication Final Recommendation V1.2

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