
Digital Identity
Ecosystem Principles

The DIACC believes it is critical to protect and promote Canadian values and perspectives in the digital economy. The DIACC uses the following principles as guidance to support our mission and vision.

Principles of a digital identity ecosystem for Canada, and solutions within:

  • key
    Robust, secure, and scalable
  • unlock
    Implement, protect, and enhance Privacy by Design
  • users
    Inclusive, open, and meets broad stakeholder needs
  • folder open
    Transparent in governance and operation
  • preferences
    Provide Canadians choice, control, and convenience
  • ic computer 24px
    Built on open, standards-based protocols
  • globe
    Interoperable with international standards
  • handout
    Cost effective and open to competitive market forces
  • folder open
    Able to be independently assessed, audited and subject to enforcement
  • database
    Minimize data transfer between authoritative sources and will not create new identity databases

If you have a skill that you believe could help our community, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.

Contact Us

Our Mandate

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    Catalyze changes and set the strategic direction for the public and private sectors in Canada
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    Provide a forum to foster collaboration among participants, formalize existing standards and create new ones
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    Develop and recommend harmonizing policies, standards, and regulatory changes with international benchmarks that further the strategic direction
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    Provide operating guidelines to the marketplace, and set certification processes to ensure that digital ID and authentication is known for delivering efficient, secure, safe, reliable, privacy-enhancing transactions
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    Enforce the minimum requirements necessary to enter the ecosystem
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    Ensure that Canada’s ecosystem is accessible to all
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    Promote interoperability between participants and with international schemes
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    Promote public understanding and accelerate the adoption of digital ID and authentication in Canada

Our History

Canadian Finance Minister Flaherty appointed the Task Force for the Payments System Review in 2010, made up of representatives from the public and private sectors, privacy commissioners offices, and consumer advocates. One of the key outcomes was recognition that digital ID and authentication are integral to the success of digital payments and to Canada’s digital economy.

The DIACC was created in 2012 to continue the activities of the Electronic Payments Task Force and achieve their vision for a robust, secure, scalable, and privacy-enhancing structure for transacting online.

As a self-governing and not-for-profit council, the DIACC brings together public and private sector members to collaborate and advance Canada’s digital identification and authentication ecosystem. This is accomplished by delivering a digital trust framework that will unlock digital economy opportunities for every Canadian.

DIACC establishes Expert Committees (ECs) to move high-impact projects forward. Chaired by members of the council, the committees run strategic projects and create valuable resources.

  • Trust Framework Expert Committee (TFEC):

    Establishing industry standards and best practices for the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework™

    Contact the TFEC
  • Adoption Expert Committee (AEC):

    Identifying opportunities and challenges to reduce uncertainty toward adoption of solutions, services, and the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework™.

    Contact the AEC