Pan-Canadian Trust Framework™ Credentials (Relationships & Attributes)
The purpose of this component is to provide a framework that Digital Identity Ecosystem Participants can use to assess the degree to which their ecosystem protects digital Credentials and key trust relationships associated with those Credentials.
Access the PCTF Credentials (Relationships & Attributes) Component Overview Final Recommendation V1.0 PDF
Conformance Profile
This component specifies Conformance Criteria that Ecosystem Participants can use to assess the degree to which the ecosystem protects the use of digital Credentials. The scope of this component includes features of the digital Credential lifecycle and focuses on ensuring transparency and auditability as the primary methods for building trust across the Entities involved.
Access the PCTF Credentials (Relationships & Attributes) Conformance Profile Final Recommendation V1.0 PDF
DIACC Pan-Canadian Trust Framework ™ (PCTF) Out of Band Feedback
This form collects PCTF public community feedback outside of the prescribed public review & comment periods. Responses to this form will be monitored on a quarterly basis. Comments will be considered for inclusion by the DIACC’s Trust Framework Expert Committee (TFEC).