Pan-Canadian Trust Framework™ Digital Wallet


The purpose of this component is to provide a framework that Digital Identity Ecosystem Participants can use to assess the degree to which the digital wallets that are part of their respective ecosystems accomplish the following:

  1. Provide Citizens and Consumers with a Digital Wallet that complies with the human rights principles of preserving people’s privacy and control over their information.
  2. Introduces a consistent identity metaphor and consent-driven automated experience across all Ecosystem Participants to reduce impact on users caused by Digital Transformation.
  3. Contribute to a stable infrastructure with longevity and world-wide interoperability by adopting and supporting relevant standards as appropriate (e.g., W3C Standards for Verifiable Credentials and DIDs).
  4. Counter cyber vulnerability and extortion by enabling Service Providers to incrementally replace existing login mechanisms, some of which may be exploitable, without suffering negative impact to business.
  5. Establish an environment of trust within which the Wallet’s Holder can interact with other Ecosystem Participants such as Issuers, Verifiers, and other Relying Parties.

Access the PCTF Digital Wallet Component Overview Final Recommendation V1.0 PDF

Conformance Profile

This document specifies the conformance criteria for the Digital Wallet component of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework™ (PCTF). Conformance Criteria are central to the trust framework because they specify the essential requirements agreed to by trust framework participants to ensure the integrity of their processes. This integrity is paramount because the output or result of a trusted process may be relied upon by many participants across organizational, jurisdictional, and sectoral boundaries.

Access the PCTF Digital Wallet Conformance Profile Final Recommendation V1.0 PDF

DIACC Pan-Canadian Trust Framework ™ (PCTF) Out of Band Feedback

This form collects PCTF public community feedback outside of the prescribed public review & comment periods. Responses to this form will be monitored on a quarterly basis. Comments will be considered for inclusion by the DIACC’s Trust Framework Expert Committee (TFEC).