Pan-Canadian Trust Framework™ Trust Registries


The purpose of a Trust Registry is to provide participants of a Digital Identity Ecosystem the means to verify that Ecosystem digital participants are trustworthy. Just as a Verifier needs to know they are dealing with the right person, as outlined in the Verified Person component and that their Credential is valid, the Verifier and the Holder need to know that the organization that is issuing the credential is valid. If an Issuer is listed in a trust registry, this indicates to interested parties (e.g., Verifiers and Holders) that an Issuer can be trusted as an authoritative provider of credentials. Digital Identity Ecosystems and their associated Trust Registries use a Trust Framework (such as the PCTF) to define how Issuers, Verifiers, Holders, and Digital Wallets should or must operate to be considered trustworthy.

Conformance Profile

This document specifies the conformance criteria for the Trust Registries component of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF). Conformance criteria are central to the trust framework because they specify the essential requirements agreed to by trust framework participants to ensure the integrity of their processes. This integrity is paramount because the output or result of a trusted process may be relied upon by many participants across organizational, jurisdictional, and sectoral boundaries.

Access the PCTF Trust Registries Conformance Profile Final Recommendation V1.0 PDF

DIACC Pan-Canadian Trust Framework ™ (PCTF) Out of Band Feedback

This form collects PCTF public community feedback outside of the prescribed public review & comment periods. Responses to this form will be monitored on a quarterly basis. Comments will be considered for inclusion by the DIACC’s Trust Framework Expert Committee (TFEC).