Digital ID and authentication are the rails upon which the digital economy runs. With the government’s announcement of an increased focus on innovation and digital government, the need for a secure, privacy-enhancing pan-Canadian digital id and authentication framework is more critical than ever.
While many people do not think about it, secure and trusted digital id and authentication are critical to achieving much of the government’s innovation vision. Everything from personal identification to register for programs and receive benefits, to the authentication of corporations for international trade and financing – digital ID and authentication are essential to a safe, secure, and accountable digital economy.
We are encouraged by the government’s announcement of increased investments in Canadian innovation, particularly in supporting technologies that enable all Canadians to access and benefit from the global digital economy, including the expansion of digital government initiatives.
We look forward to continuing to work with the Canadian government – and all government and private sector partners, to build a digital id and authentication framework that enables Canada to achieve its potential as a global leader in innovation and technology.
– Joni Brennan
President, DIACC
About the DIACC
About the Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC)
Created as a result of the federal government’s Task Force for the Payments System Review, the DIACC is a non-profit coalition of public and private sector leaders committed to developing a Canadian digital identification and authentication framework to enable Canada’s full and secure participation the global digital economy. DIACC members include representatives from both the federal and provincial levels of government as well as private sector leaders.
The DIACC’s objective is to unlock societal and economic opportunities for Canadian consumers, and businesses by providing the framework to develop a robust, secure, scalable and privacy enhancing digital identification and authentication ecosystem that will decrease costs for governments, consumers, and business while improving service delivery and driving GDP growth.