Nov 14, 2016 in News by DIACC

DIACC Workshops – Ottawa, November 2 & 3, 2016


DIACC Workshop Exploring Digital ID Federation Opportunities (Nov.2) was an opportunity to connect, share and learn about the emerging digital ID ecosystem. The DIACC Trust Framework working group – the Trust Framework Expert Committee (TFEC) – provided a report out of the latest developments to develop components of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF).  DIACC members shared their perspectives regarding the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Digital ID International Industry Day (Nov.3) converged public and private innovators from around the world to share perspectives that help to accelerate the establishment of a privacy-respective digital ID ecosystem that Canadians can use securely and with confidence. Attendees had the opportunity to network with thought leaders from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Israel, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States. Attendees gained insights regarding the Canadian market place and in the perspective of the digital ID requirements for the global digital economy.

Publicly available presentations from the events are below.
Presentations that were made available only to DIACC members can be found on the myDIACC wiki.

 Presentation Speaker
Going from central to distributed identity in population scale trust ecosystems (PDF)Marcel Wendt & Dick Dekkers, Digidentity
Digital Citizen Engagement Critical for Democracy (PDF)Colleen Hardwick, PlaceSpeak
Finding Needles in a Needle Factory – neural networks in the context of privacy and security (PDF)Dr. Nur Zincir-Heywood, Dalhouse University
CANARIE Canadian Access Federation (PDF)Chris Phillips, CANARIE
FIDO An emerging industry standard – Biometrics in the context of public sector services delivery (PDF)Jeremy Grant, FIDO
Ransomware Threat Environment in the Context of Digital Identity (PDF)Adam Madlin, Symantec
Government support for industry consortia and why it matters (PDF)Colin Wallis, Kantara Initiative