Monthly Archives: June 2023

DIACC Announces New Board of Directors to Drive Digital Trust, Identity, and Privacy Protection

Toronto, Ontario – Following its recent Annual General Meeting (AGM), the DIACC is thrilled to announce the appointment of its esteemed Board of Directors, comprising renowned leaders and visionaries from various sectors. The diverse expertise and collective experience of the Board members will play a pivotal role in guiding and shaping the future of digital trust, identity, data control and privacy protection in Canada.

We proudly announce the 2023-2024 DIACC Board of Directors:

  • Dave Nikolejsin, Independent, Strategic Advisor with McCarthy Tetrault
  • Andre Boysen, Independent 
  • Colleen Boldon, Director, Digital Lab and Digital ID Programs, Province of New Brunswick
  • Neil Butters, Vice President of Product, Interac Corp.
  • Jonathan Cipryk, Vice President of Canadian Technology Functions, Manulife *
  • Mike Cook, CEO, Identos *
  • Giselle D’Paiva, Digital Identity Leader, Government and Public Sector
  • Balraj Dhillon, General Manager of Product Platforms and Channels, Canada Post *
  • Dr. Ibrahim Gedeon, Chief Technology Officer, TELUS
  • Marie Jordan, Senior Director Global Standards Management, VISA *
  • Jonathan Kelly, Assistant Deputy Minister for Government Digital Transformation, Province of Quebec
  • Iliana Oris Valiente, Innovation and Digital Identity Lead, Accenture
  • CJ Ritchie, Associate Deputy Minister and Government Chief Information Officer, Province of BC
  • Pierre Roberge, Independent *
  • John Roberts, Associate Deputy Minister, Chief Digital and Data Officer, Chief Privacy Officer and Archivist of Ontario *

*Indicates newly appointed. 

Each Director brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in their respective fields, ensuring a comprehensive and collaborative approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities surrounding digital trust and identity in Canada. The collective expertise of the Board will be instrumental in informing strategies, policies, and the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF). The PCTF risk management framework promotes secure, privacy-enhancing, and user-centric digital trust and identification practices to mitigate risks and liabilities and build confidence for adoption.

The DIACC Board of Directors will continue to work closely with public and private sectors, academia, and civil society stakeholders to foster collaboration, reduce uncertainty, and accelerate the adoption of trustworthy services in the digital identity ecosystem. Through their leadership, the Board will champion the adoption of interoperable digital identity solutions, advocate for transparency and enhanced privacy protection, and promote the benefits of digital identity for empowering and protecting the privacy of individuals and supporting businesses and governments to combat fraud and improve service delivery.

The appointment of the new DIACC Board of Directors marks an essential milestone in the Council’s journey towards a trusted and inclusive digital future. Their commitment to advancing digital trust and identity initiatives will empower Canadians with personal data control and transparency and drive broad benefits of economic growth in a digital society.

“DIACC’s mission is to unlock Canada’s full and beneficial participation and leadership in the global digital economy. Our values put people’s benefits at the centre and ensure that services are future-proofed and auditable to verify trustworthiness. Privacy protection and security are foundational priorities of our work.” said Dave Nikolejsin, Chair of the DIACC Board.  

“I am thrilled to welcome new Board members and continue to work with continuing Board members to shape a digital trust and identity ecosystem of services that are inclusive, privacy-protecting, and accessible to all who choose to use them. I am confident in our Board members’ individual and collective abilities to impact “good” trust and identity.” said Joni Brennan, President of DIACC. 

About the DIACC:

The DIACC is a non-profit coalition of public and private sector organizations committed to establishing a secure and inclusive digital identification ecosystem. By bringing together industry leaders, government representatives, and subject matter experts, the DIACC collaborates to develop guidelines, an auditable risk management framework, and best practices that enable secure and privacy-enhancing digital trust and identity solutions.

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Spotlight on FinClusive

1. What is the mission and vision of FinClusive?

FinClusive is a global Compliance-as-a-Service (CaaS) infrastructure provider that enables increased financial engagement by facilitating traditional banking’s connectivity with emerging technology networks, existing and alternative payment rails and financial services providers.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Identity supports FinClusive’s goal to empower its clients to confidently demonstrate compliance with global banking standards, while expanding their services and engagement to businesses, communities and alternative technologies that have been traditionally underserved or unwelcomed within in the global financial system.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

FinClusive does this primarily by providing strong identity assurance tools, coupled with a global, full-stack, financial crimes compliance/anti-money laundering (FCC/AML)—CaaS, which provides a Compliance-Enabled Credentialing Environment (CECE ™) through its Gateway services, which seamlessly embeds digitally verifiable compliance credentials into both the customer onboarding and transacting processes.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada is a trusted member of the G7 and global financial network with its strong banking, insurance and securities sectors. Canada’s strong dedication to information security, privacy and fighting financial crime principles needs to be translated into interoperable international standards and practices to ensure that these principles are supported in technology evolution and future networks. Canada needs to be at the table for online evolution and actively participate for it to succeed.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

DIACC is the center of digital innovation in Canada and we look forward to contributing, networking and progressing the industry.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

FinClusive’s wide range of features and tools can help fill in gaps in risk mitigation and enhance capabilities to build and maintain trust online. FinClusive helps in proofing and validation by helping to solve key problems with a wide ranging toolset of data from trusted sources, digital wallet or credential issuance, due diligence and Legal Entity Identifier Issuance. Partner with us or share us with your community!