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Fintracker – Plein feu sur le CCIAN

1. Mission et vision

La mission et la vision de Fintracker est de réduire le risque dans le marché immobilier canadien en simplifiant la conformité anti blanchiment d’argent pour REALTORS® avec des outils faciles à utiliser, qui leur permettent d’économiser du temps et de l’argent.

2. Pourquoi une identité numérique fiable est-elle critique pour les marchés existants et en émergence?

L’immobilier canadien a été identifié comme un cible pour les criminels et les attaques frauduleuses, exigeant une réponse ferme par tous les participants, y compris les 150 000 agents immobiliers REALTORS® du Canada. De nombreux crimes associés aux biens immobiliers canadiens sont liés à la possibilité de criminalité ou à la corruption à l’étranger. Fintracker améliore l’intégrité de la vérification de l’identité et appuie l’exhaustivité des dossiers de conformité aux normes réglementaires nécessaires pour disposer de contrôles robustes afin de lutter contre ces menaces.

3. Quelle transformation l’identification numérique opérera-t-elle sur l’économie canadienne et l’économie mondiale ? Comment relèverez-vous les défis liés à cette transformation?

Fintracker offre un expérience facile, économique et numérique pour les agents immobiliers REALTORS® sur sa plateforme. Nos services font partie de leur adhésion à la Chambre immobilière et fournissent une méthode intelligente et fiable pour réduire le risque de criminalité dans le secteur immobilier en renforçant l’identification des acheteurs de propriétés; faire la collection des enregistrements clés pour identifier les risques et pour faciliter les rapports potentiels aux régulateurs, au besoin. L’application mobile de Fintracker met leur bureau dans leurs mains pour une véritable première expérience numérique conforme aux normes les plus élevées de l’industrie.

4. Quel rôle est-ce que le Canada doit jouer en tant que leader des identités numériques?

Le dévouement affirmé du Canada envers la sécurité de l’information, la confidentialité et la lutte contre la criminalité financière doit se faire traduire par des normes et des pratiques exécutables pour tous les secteurs et les communautés afin de garantir que ces principes sont appuyés dans l’évolution de la technologie et des futurs réseaux. Fintracker s’engage à jouer son rôle dans cet effort pour les agents immobiliers REALTORS® et le secteur immobilier canadien.

5. Pourquoi joindre le CCIAN?

Les membres de CCIAN comprennent l’élite qui fournit les méthodes sécurisées et de protection de la vie privée du Canada pour identifier les clients et pour protéger leurs informations, incluant les fournisseurs de technologie, les agences gouvernementales et les entreprises du premier plan du secteur privé. La technologie d’identité de Fintracker provient d’un participant actif au CCIAN Conseil d’identification et d’authentification numériques du Canada (aligné sur les directives de CANAFE et approuvé par de nombreux ordres professionnels de juristes). Cette adhésion est une affirmation de notre engagement à être le fournisseur de services de confiance de premier plan pour la communauté d’agents d’immobiliers REALTORS® au Canada.

6. Que devons-nous savoir d’autre?

Fintracker est le leader incontournable à offrir des liens riches et pertinents pour la communauté d’agents immobiliers REALTORS® au Canada et a hâte de s’engager dans les bons partenariats. Nous appuyons plus de 50% des chambres immobilières du Canada, avec plus de 90% des agents immobiliers qui peuvent utiliser nos services dans le cadre de leur adhésion à la Chambre immobilière. 

Spotlight on FinClusive

1. What is the mission and vision of FinClusive?

FinClusive is a global Compliance-as-a-Service (CaaS) infrastructure provider that enables increased financial engagement by facilitating traditional banking’s connectivity with emerging technology networks, existing and alternative payment rails and financial services providers.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Identity supports FinClusive’s goal to empower its clients to confidently demonstrate compliance with global banking standards, while expanding their services and engagement to businesses, communities and alternative technologies that have been traditionally underserved or unwelcomed within in the global financial system.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

FinClusive does this primarily by providing strong identity assurance tools, coupled with a global, full-stack, financial crimes compliance/anti-money laundering (FCC/AML)—CaaS, which provides a Compliance-Enabled Credentialing Environment (CECE ™) through its Gateway services, which seamlessly embeds digitally verifiable compliance credentials into both the customer onboarding and transacting processes.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada is a trusted member of the G7 and global financial network with its strong banking, insurance and securities sectors. Canada’s strong dedication to information security, privacy and fighting financial crime principles needs to be translated into interoperable international standards and practices to ensure that these principles are supported in technology evolution and future networks. Canada needs to be at the table for online evolution and actively participate for it to succeed.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

DIACC is the center of digital innovation in Canada and we look forward to contributing, networking and progressing the industry.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

FinClusive’s wide range of features and tools can help fill in gaps in risk mitigation and enhance capabilities to build and maintain trust online. FinClusive helps in proofing and validation by helping to solve key problems with a wide ranging toolset of data from trusted sources, digital wallet or credential issuance, due diligence and Legal Entity Identifier Issuance. Partner with us or share us with your community! www.finclusive.com

Spotlight on ADI Association

1. What is the mission and vision of the ADI Association?

The mission of the ADI Association is to create a global digital identity framework for creating, managing, and using digital identity as well as sharing personal information. This system solves some of the most important practical problems attached to the operation and adoption of decentralized identity technology with an accountable governance framework by enabling a business interoperability layer as well as a technological specification.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Establishing an effective model for digital identity is a priority that spans industries. The traditional identity model for the digital world has been an account with a password. Service Providers give each of their customers an account and assume that those accounts can be secured. However, accounts are breached, and data are compromised. Service Providers do not often even know if the person who created the account was legitimate. In the physical world, individuals can prove who they are by presenting formal documents like a driver’s license, passport, or birth certificate. In the digital world, individuals cannot definitively prove who they are, and the malicious can easily masquerade as someone they are not. This gap between physical and digital identity has led to an exponential increase in online fraud as more interactions and financial transactions have gone digital. It has also led to a rapid rise in misinformation and disinformation propagating through online social media.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

In the physical world, identities are created at birth by a trusted group of people. Parents choose names; hospitals record birth events; and governments create birth records, which are then used by individuals to register at schools, employers, banks, medical facilities, and so on. Everything an individual does in life is tied to that identity, and that identity becomes the accountable party. ADI Association has defined a similar concept for the digital world, called the “Digital Address.” The next generation of federated identity standards should support the issuance of a lifetime digital identity that a consumer can use across the digital services of their choice. It should eliminate passwords and protect personal data. The Accountable Digital Identity (ADI) Association is developing an open standard, based on decentralized identity, for bootstrapping individual identities online. The work will give identity providers and relying parties a framework to establish secure exchanges of identity-based services for their consumers, customers, employees, and partners. The ADI Association focuses on standards that enhance the digital consumer experience while improving cyber security at the same time.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

As a current leader, Canada has the opportunity to frame how the future gets shaped by digital identity for both online use cases as well as in the physical world.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

The ADI Association believes that this work cannot be done by a single organization, but will only be realized by concerted efforts to create and promote open standards which can be made available to and adopted by all.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

The ADI Association is a diverse coalition of companies and organizations from around the world who have come together to create an interoperable specification and ecosystem for accountable identity. This level of coordination across industries seamlessly connects a global community of businesses, governments, healthcare providers, and other organizations with customers, people, and patients to modernize the way we manage our online digital interactions.

Spotlight on PXL Vision

1. What is the mission and vision of PXL Vision?

PXL Vision has one vision – A world full of trust built on verifiable digital identities to make secure, frictionless and reliable identity verification available to everyone.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

At PXL Vision, we believe in ensuring existing and emerging markets continue to experience strong growth that consumers, governments and businesses alike need to have 100% certainty in the trust of Canada’s digital identity ecosystem. Trust in digital identity is paramount to adoption to prevent identity fraud and protect citizens from misuse of personal data with a solid contribution to economic growth.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

Digital identity will transform the Canadian and global economy alike by providing consumers access to services that are not currently accessible for so many. COVID has undoubtedly accelerated the need for digital IDentity. We have seen the positive impact on the economy by allowing remote non-face-to-face access for consumers to financial services, corporations, government institutions, law firms, accounting firms: and essentially any institution that previously required in-person ID verification.

Digital Transformation requires collaboration with industry experts to ensure success and scalability. At PXL Vision, we offer AI-powered identity verification tailored to your unique needs – Your business is unique. It has its own needs in security, compliance, user experience, infrastructure, business processes, and more. Our platform is uniquely flexible and adapts to your needs. It fits your existing business processes, and you can configure it to match your individual preferences.

Our customers get rid of manual processes and drive revenues, reduce process and compliance costs, open up new digital channels and boost customer conversion, preventing identity fraud and building consumer trust. Leverage the world’s most flexible identity verification platform.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada has an incredible opportunity through DIACC and its highly respected member participants to create a trusted framework for Digital Identity that will drive the local economy and be recognized and leveraged globally. Canada is poised to be a role model in the global development of identity ecosystems.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

DIACC is creating the gold standard for Digital Identity in Canada. As the most highly respected association in the Canadian digital identity market, it makes sense that PXL Vision is part of such an organization. With PXL Vision now having a local presence in Canada, we are not only able to be a member but also to participate in the local Expert Committees to provide a global perspective from our Swiss-based experiences. PXL Vision is the technology behind the SwissID in Switzerland, and we are pleased to share best practices as Canadian provinces and the federal government digitize Canadian Government-issued IDs.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

We are a Swiss premium provider of best-in-class technology for scalable, configurable identity verification worldwide. Our AI-powered solutions help businesses of any size to reduce the cost of customer onboarding and compliance, drive revenue growth and prevent identity fraud. We strive to provide the most reliable, quickest and seamless identity verification that anyone can use anytime, anywhere.

Our journey started as a Swiss high-tech spin-off of the prestigious Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). With experience in identity verification since 2011, our company was founded by former key employees of Dacuda AG in 2017. Within three years, we became the Swiss market leader, helping companies like Swisscom, SwissID and Swisslife verify their customers securely and reliably. Since then, we have expanded internationally with a presence in Europe and North America. We are serving our customers with an international team of 70+ experts.

At PXL Vision, we provide Enterprise-grade identity verification for any business. Premium identity verification is configurable to your individual needs. Choose between our flexible Plug-and-Play solution or build your own custom experiences.

Customize the experience with PXL Pro – Integrate individual modules and features to build your own custom experience. PXL Pro provides the highest possible flexibility and allows configuration to fit your unique requirements. Build a customized experience that your customers and your business will love.

Mix and match our SDKs and APIs to build your own verification flows.

Choose between mobile vs. web, cloud vs. on-premises deployment, wholly tuned to your individual needs and fully integrated into your pre-existing business processes.

With PXL Ident®, leverage our end-to-end process, plug-and-play solution covering all phases of identity verification, including the following key areas:

– SMS/eMail verification

– Self-declaration

– Document verification

– Face verification / Liveness detection

– Address validation – PEP/SL check

– Additional document scan

– Electronic signature

A cloud-based plug-and-play solution that gets you started immediately.

An end-to-end process with all the essentials for your identity verification and onboarding needs.

Dynamic workflow engine for tailored configuration of your verification processes. Simple integration with minimal technical knowledge is required.

Reach out to learn more about PXL Vision:

Doug Lister. VP Sales – Canada


(M) 647-221-1969


l’Université de Sherbrooke – Plein feu sur le CCIAN

1. Mission et vision

Grande université de recherche reconnue pour l’originalité de ses programmes, l’Université de Sherbrooke s’engage avec ses communautés pour former des citoyennes et citoyens responsables qui changent le monde.

Le Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en cybersécurité de l’Université de Sherbrooke regroupe plus de 14 professeures et professeurs engagés à développer de l’expertise canadienne en identité numérique.

2. Pourquoi une identité numérique fiable est-elle critique pour les marchés existants et en émergence?

L’identité est nécessaire pour toute civilisation depuis la nuit des temps. Elle sert à établir la structure et le fonctionnement de l’ordre social. La numérisation de nos sociétés doit ainsi être soutenue par une standardisation de l’identité numérique, favorisant le continuum des échanges de biens, de services et d’informations, tout en maintenant une qualité de service requise adéquate. Ainsi, il nous apparaît maintenant trivial que la protection de la vie privée repose autant sur une saine gestion des renseignements personnels, incluant la cybersécurité, qu’un encadrement strict de toute utilisation secondaire de données pouvant être associées à notre identité.

3. Quelle transformation l’identification numérique opérera-t-elle sur l’économie canadienne et l’économie mondiale? Comment relèverez-vous les défis liés à cette transformation?

La numérisation est omniprésente dans notre société. Elle est un élément fondamental de toute action démocratique et de toute transaction commerciale. Avec la transformation numérique, la réalité du marché oblige toute organisation à se surpasser afin de proposer des produits et des services à des prix en amélioration constante. L’identité numérique devient la pierre angulaire du développement actuel et futur de nos organisations. Cette pression est soutenable si l’organisation gère ses moyens de production d’une manière agile et durable. Les universités vivent notamment cette transformation par le renouvellement accéléré de leur offre de cours, sur la nécessité de mettre en place un campus numérique, sur la façon de rejoindre leur clientèle et sur l’accélération de certaines recherches. Parmi les défis, il y a la recherche sur la relation de confiance nécessaire pour le bon fonctionnement de l’identification numérique.

4. Quel rôle est-ce que le Canada doit jouer en tant que leader des identités numériques?

Le Canada a rattrapé son retard et figure désormais parmi les leaders mondiaux en matière d’identité numérique. C’est fondamental, car toute transaction ou action dans un système repose sur l’identification correcte des tiers concernés, soit les personnes, les organisations et les objets. De plus, une gestion efficiente de l’identité numérique permet des économies d’échelle, bénéficiant à l’ensemble des canadiennes et des canadiens.

5. Pourquoi joindre le CCIAN?

En tant que chercheur universitaire s’intéressant à l’identité numérique, il s’agit d’un groupe d’intérêt incontournable, mettant en relation les acteurs clés des entreprises, des gouvernements, des universités et d’autres parties prenantes clés. Ce groupe dispose d’une structure établie, d’un mode de fonctionnement léger et d’une excellente visibilité internationale. Le CCIAN aide donc à la pertinence de la recherche en rendant visible les enjeux entourant l’identité numérique, incluant sa conception, sa gouvernance, son opérationnalisation, sa standardisation, etc.

6. Que devons-nous savoir d’autre?

La réputation de dynamisme et d’innovation de l’Université de Sherbrooke attire des étudiants et des professeurs des quatre coins du globe. Ses partenariats internationaux, son potentiel humain, intellectuel et scientifique lui permettent d’être un acteur de changement mondial. En 2020-2021, elle regroupait 31 328 étudiantes et étudiants sur les trois cycles d’enseignement supérieur dans 8 facultés soutenues par 7 398 personnes. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour en savoir plus.

Spotlight on PlainID

1. What is the mission and vision of PlainID?

Our mission: PlainID’s mission is to provide frictionless user experiences while maintaining security and the highest levels of data privacy and compliance. PlainID helps businesses advance and modernize by simply and securely connecting people with the digital assets they need to do their jobs, accomplish tasks at scale and conduct digital commerce. By making authorization decisions simple, smart, granular, and dynamic, PlainID helps enterprises control who can access what, when, and how on whose authority. Enterprises and organizations worldwide use PlainID to securely connect their employees, customers, and partners with the digital assets they continuously need, on-demand. Our vision: PlainID envisions a world where it’s easy to connect identity (employee, business partner, customer, machine account, system account) to any application, service, or data—with assurance. In the future, we believe that PlainID will be behind every connection between an identity and a digital service: monitoring, securing, and validating it. Authorization is the foundation of security: it’s the last mile that governs what people actually can do.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Digital identities managed through Identity Platforms have grown exponentially in size and relevance. The convergence of market dynamics (user experience, security, and data governance) coupled with the dynamic evolution of ever-increasing security risk vectors has caused the perfect storm of variables for breaches and attacks to occur. Traditional Identity providers provide authentication around the perimeter, but what is the perimeter today in a world of cloud computing? Security must cut through the enterprise and protect digital assets and data that malicious actors may be trying to access. As a result, a paradigm shift to “Identity-First Security” is becoming the de-facto security model for securing the enterprise organization, and Authorization management & control is a centric and crucial part of that architecture.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

Digital identity must ensure secure access to digital assets. It unlocks a range of essential services now available online, for use as an employee or a consumer. Organizations and individuals can now do business anywhere around the globe with a few clicks of a button. Our organization takes the security of connecting identities to digital assets to the next, critical level – authorization. Market adoption for authorization has been driven by the convergence of traditional identity and access management and cybersecurity requirements. In the future, we believe that PlainID will be behind every connection between an identity and a digital service: monitoring, securing, and validating it. Authorization is the foundation of security: it’s the last mile that governs what people actually can do.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

As in other countries, digital identity and its security are crucial to the growth of the Canadian economy. As Canadians continue to increase their use of digital services, regulations around trusted digital architecture need to be imposed to enable the right control of who can access what, when, and how on whose authority. And no more.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

PlainID’s mission is to provide frictionless user experiences while maintaining security and the highest levels of data privacy and compliance.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

PlainID is the global leader in Authorization as a Service. We provide an extensible authorization platform for securely connecting identities to digital assets across the enterprise, at scale. We make Authorization management plain and simple, across your technology stack and your business ecosystem. Powered by Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC), PlainID’s AuthZ Platform provides Centralized Policy Management with Distributed Enforcement dynamically across vital enterprise access points. Our customers use PlainID to strengthen traditional Identity & Access Management AuthZ, deploy Identity-First Security initiatives (including Zero Trust), and meet Data Access / Governance AuthZ requirements. The PlainID Platform offers a SaaS-based management console and pre-built connectors (Authorizers), extending modern AuthZ to API gateways, microservices, SaaS applications, data brokers, and beyond.

Spotlight on CIRA

1. What is the mission and vision of CIRA?

As a nonprofit organization, CIRA’s mission is to build a trusted internet for all Canadians. Leveraging more than 30 years of experience managing .CA domains, CIRA offers one of the world’s most advanced back-end registry solutions and operate one of the fastest-growing country code top-level domains (ccTLD) in the world. CIRA researches and develops new technologies and solutions that help increase the security and resilience of the internet; mitigate and respond to cyber-attacks; and support new network, data, and security standards around the world. We also participate in global internet governance and advocate for a variety of internet issues in Canada such as access to broadband internet, privacy and security. Their Community Investment Program provides more than $1 million in grants every year to projects that help create a better internet.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

We are going digital in all aspects of our lives and it’s important to have trust in our own ecosystem. CIRA believes that to build a competitive, safe, inclusive society for all Canadians; governments, organizations, businesses and the public need to trust that credentials created in a decentralized identity model are indeed from an authentic source.

Citizens who access services by authenticating with digital identity credentials have an expectation that the intermediary organizations responsible for performing the authentication will keep their personal information secure. Organizations involved in this chain of trust must adhere to a strict governance framework with clear rules for the collection, storage, and usage of personal information. Such a governance structure must be replete with accountabilities, checks and balances, and an audit function to ensure strict adherence. Ultimately, public trust in any system hinges upon user buy-in to the governance structure.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

We have seen incredible changes and significant economic advantages over the last two decades with the move to online service delivery. Critical issues have risen, from trust to privacy and security. CIRA believes that the evolution of privacy-enhancing, security-respecting, models for the delivery of digital identity is a key foundational requirement for the next stage of evolution. They believe that the approach to establishing trust anchors for decentralized digital identity may benefit from CIRA’s expertise in running one of the largest digital registries in the country and our experience in managing Canada’s DNS infrastructure.

CIRA believes that some important parallels can be drawn between the governance and international alignment in the management of the internet and maybe applicable to some of the issues we see with emerging decentralized identity models. W may be able to draw on our experience to help contribute to the next evolution of digital identity

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada is an advanced digital society and has contributed to the development of standards, policy and governance in all aspects of technology. Trust is very important not just nationally but internationally as various aspects of business and personal rely on digital identity. Trust is one of the core values in which Canada implements its innovative projects around the world and our capacity to be thought leaders is driving forward the creation, development and adoption of digital identity.

CIRA believes that community initiatives such as DIACC and other public and private sector collaborative forums in Canada, along with the presence of thought leaders and very significant contributors to the evolution of digital identity make Canada uniquely positioned to be a significant contributor to the continued evolution of digital identity.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

CIRA believes that the significant issues we are seeing with trust in digital Identity and the important principles in the philosophy embedded in decentralized identity are critical to the continued evolution of a healthy digital economy. Further, the CIRA’s decades of experience in managing the .CA domain registry on behalf of Canadians—which is at its core a form of digital identity—will positively contribute to community efforts to advance the state of digital identity and the digital economy as a whole.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

CIRA also has an innovation hub called CIRA Labs with a focus on leveraging our DNS expertise and managing their large network footprint, data centers and servers globally. They have been managing Canada’s original digital identity registry, the .CA domain name registry, on behalf of Canadians for more than 30 years. CIRA believes that the internet is an overwhelming force for good in the world, and with the right vision and collaborations, Canada can be a leader in its continued success.

Spotlight on AIT

1. What is the mission and vision of AIT?

The AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology) is a professional non-profit RTO enterprise focusing on the key infrastructure topics of the future. AIT provides research and technological development to realize basic innovations for the next generation of infrastructure-related technologies in the fields of digital safety and security, energy, health and bioresources, low-emission transport, vision, automation and control, technology experience, and innovation systems and policy.

Dedicated to serving governments, operators of all kinds of critical infrastructure and its industrial suppliers, AIT bridges the gap between research and technology commercialization, which is a key aspect of developing new technologies and enabling an economic boom.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Full digitization of businesses is key to holding one’s ground in global competition. Customers will select those services that provide maximal efficiency and usability while ensuring full data security. Day-to-day news about data breaches makes customers feel insecure. The winners will be those companies that manage to establish and maintain a maximum level of trust for generally accepted applications.

Some emerging markets strongly rely on biometrics as the basic or even single way of personal identification. Trust in the corresponding identity management processes is key for the secure operation of access control to services in everyday life.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

Digital identity will introduce huge opportunities for new business processes and at the same time pose tremendous threats regarding security and privacy. Any new application must bring along the appropriate security level. New business models must come hand-in-hand with trusted security features. Again, being able to fulfill the requirements of a convenient application and a high level of trust will be key criteria for success or failure in business. Global competition will select the winners.

AIT addresses exactly these challenges by investigating and piloting innovative methods and tools for ensuring the required security of the biometric applications of tomorrow.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Any community aiming at leadership should act as a promoter and supporter of innovations in identity management processes and involve all market participants, from private customers to governmental administrations. In parallel, it should prioritize efforts for the broad implementation of efficient, convenient, and secure identity management processes in all forms of business.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

DIACC’s goals and agenda fit perfectly to the AIT mission of realizing basic innovations for the next generation of infrastructure-related technologies in the fields of digital safety and security. AIT is interested and prepared to contribute to advancing Canada’s digital economy agenda with innovative biometric solutions and secure identity management processes.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

In the area of digital identity management, AIT experts investigate new technologies in the field of biometrics (high convenience, contactless, at a distance, multimodal approaches, privacy-preserving, highly secure, mobile), showcase those technologies to interested end-users as well as to companies working B2B, and are involved in or lead national and European applied research projects. The present focus is on contactless biometrics including fingerprints and 2D/3D face for person identification and identity verification and secure identity management processes. AIT seeks partners to a) incubate end-users and industry with novel identity management solutions, b) enable small and medium-sized prototypes and pilots, c) distribute and roll out its biometric technologies, and d) build new connections into North America’s scientific community.

Nuance – Plein feu sur le CCIAN

1. Mission et vision

Nuance a pour mission de faciliter et sécuriser l’accès aux services dont nous dépendons tous. Lorsqu’une personne contacte une compagnie ou une agence gouvernementale, elle devrait pouvoir rapidement et facilement être authentifiée, le tout avec un minimum d’efforts. Tous devraient également avoir confiance que leur identité est en sécurité et que les organisations avec lesquelles nous interagissons chaque jour utilisent les meilleures technologies pour détecter et mettre un frein à la fraude. Nuance met de l’avant des technologies biométriques qui garantissent l’accessibilité aux services grâce à un processus d’authentification dont la voix est le pilier central; un élément unique de notre personne, qui fonctionnera indépendamment du canal ou de l’appareil utilisé pour mener l’interaction. D’autres méthodes d’authentification biométriques (par exemple, l’empreinte digitale ou la reconnaissance faciale) nécessitent du matériel particulier alors qu’une empreinte vocale peut être crée et vérifiée sur n’importe canal et par n’importe qui. Conséquemment, en ajoutant la biométrie vocale à leur identité numérique, les gouvernements et les entreprises peuvent s’assurer d’offrir une méthode d’authentification plus sécuritaire, plus accessible et, surtout, plus facile d’utilisation pour les personnes plus vulnérables ou moins à l’aise avec la technologie. Une approche priorisant la biométrie permet aussi de mettre un terme à la fraude d’identité à la source, en identifiant les fraudeurs eux-mêmes, peu importe l’appareil utilisé ou l’identité derrière laquelle ils se cachent. Le tout permettant également d’aider les forces de l’ordre à identifier les groupes de fraudeurs organisés pour les mettre derrière les barreaux.

2. Pourquoi une identité numérique fiable est-elle critique pour les marchés existants en émergents?

Les entreprises et les gouvernements ont besoin de la certitude que les personnes avec lesquelles ils interagissent sont bien celles qu’elles disent être. Parallèlement, les citoyens ont besoin de prouver leur identité d’une manière plus simple et accessible. Une identité numérique fiable, basée sur des principes d’accessibilité et d’universalité, sera la clé pour faciliter ces interactions.

Par ailleurs, alors que plusieurs voient la protection de la vie privée et la sécurité devenir une priorité, les organisations de tous types doivent reconnaître l’importance de ces principes. En adoptant des technologies d’authentification et de prévention de la fraude à la fine pointe de la technologie telles que la biométrie vocale, les entreprises et les gouvernements peuvent démontrer à leurs clients qu’ils partagent ces mêmes valeurs.

3. Quelle transformation l’identification numérique opérera-t-elle sur l’économie canadienne et l’économie mondiale ? Comment relèverez-vous les défis liés à cette transformation ?

L’identité numérique permet d’augmenter la protection de la vie privée en permettant le partage d’attributs spécifiques sans avoir besoin de partager l’identité entière à laquelle ces attributs sont liés. Ce nouveau marché des attributs va transformer la manière dont les organisations transigent entre elles et avec leurs clients en plus de créer de nouvelles opportunités d’affaires pour des solutions novatrices. L’identité numérique permet aussi une augmentation significative de l’accessibilité aux services lorsqu’elle est combinée à des facteurs biométriques. Ces facteurs permettent la validation de l’identité sans nécessiter d’avoir un client devant nous, permettant ainsi de réaliser plus de transactions à haut risque à distance tout en réduisant les risques de fraude et ce indépendamment de l’accès à du matériel de pointe.

4. Quel rôle est-ce que le Canada doit jouer en tant que leader des identités numériques?

En partenariat avec le CCIAN, le Canada peut devenir un leader dans l’adoption d’un cadre d’application d’une identité numérique sécuritaire et accessible, un standard qui garantira l’interopérabilité entre les provinces. De plus, en développant un tel cadre le Canada pourra devenir un leader par-delà de ses propres frontières en jouant un rôle clé dans le développement d’une identité numérique qui aurait une capacité d’utilisation transnationale. Et en adoptant la biométrie vocale comme une partie intégrante d’un tel cadre d’application, le Canada peut démontrer l’importance de développer une technologie qui est accessible au plus grand nombre.

5. Pourquoi joindre le CCIAN?

Il est plus que temps de transformer les identités nationales, mais la numérisation n’est qu’une étape : les initiatives de développement d’identités numériques doivent avoir pour objectif d’offrir de meilleurs services avec moins de barrières possibles. Le tout devrait en même temps être développé en permettant d’agir de manière proactive contre les abus et la fraude alors que des groupes criminels ont amassé et détiennent déjà énormément d’information personnelle de très grande valeur, accumulée depuis des décennies. Enrichir une identité numérique avec de l’information biométrique permettra au gouvernement du Canada d’augmenter l’accessibilité aux services essentiels pour les populations les plus vulnérables tout en combattant la fraude plus efficacement.

Nuance détient plus de 20 ans d’expérience à aider les banques, entreprises de télécommunications, compagnies d’assurance et gouvernements à fournir de meilleurs services, plus sécuritaires tout en combattant la fraude. Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir partager notre expertise et collaborer avec d’autres organisations pour accélérer l’adoption d’une identité numérique plus sécuritaire et accessible au Canada et autour du monde.

6. Que devons-nous savoir d’autre?

Nuance est un leader mondial des technologies d’authentification biométrique et de lutte contre la fraude. Nous aidons des entreprises de toutes sortes et des gouvernements à offrir des services de meilleure qualité et plus sécuritaires dans un environnement où la fraude évolue sans cesse. Notre plateforme Gatekeeper permet de réduire la friction tout en augmentant la sécurité des interactions vocales et numériques, permettant également aux équipes de fraude de plus efficacement prévenir, détecter et investiguer la fraude. Plus de 500 organisations ont créé plus de 600M empreintes vocales grâce aux solutions de Nuance, et plus de 8 milliards d’interactions sont protégées par nos technologies chaque année, générant plus de 2 milliards de dollars et fraude évitée annuellement.

Spotlight on Regula Forensics

1. What is the mission and vision of Regula?

With 29 years of experience, Regula has the largest ID document template database (9800+), supports over 138+ languages, in addition to supporting documents from over 248+ countries and territories.

Regula develops and improves solutions for the identity verification market. We strive to provide our customers with the best possible level of security and ensure that they benefit from superior protection features.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

The existing and emerging markets are growing fast. New banks, new currencies, new technologies are all rapidly reshaping the customer’s expectations. A trustworthy digital identity that ensures the best possible level of security is crucial to retaining customers and growing businesses in this fast-paced industry.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

Millions of people trust the Governmental Security Organizations every day for their safety and well-being. It’s essential that these authorities have the highest level of security and service possible. Regula can empower the digital identity transformations and help the Canadian and global economy in a mission to protect and serve citizens.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

The heart of digital identity and trust services is community. Being a leader, it’s vital for Canada to give the community the confidence to flourish and grow.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

Having the best ID verification technology on the market and being compliant with data processing regulations is something that we take as a must and therefore, Regula joined DIACC to assist in delivering secure, remote, frictionless ID verification services for users across industries.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

Regula Face SDK delivers secure (fully on-premises), frictionless online biometric verification regardless of the device used. Face matching allows you to compare a face biometric scan (selfie) with the photo on the ID or even a photo from the RFID (if combined with Document Reader SDK). Moreover, a liveness check becomes another security check available for the user. Such an easy step for a legitimate customer helps assure that the person holding the ID is the one on it as well as help confirm genuine presence.

Integration happens like plug and play. Together with that you get the solution that is compliant with the regulations, runs on all devices and platforms as well as reduces operational costs. Face SDK can be used in a variety of industries for different use cases including automated check-in in air travel, or onboarding in fintech. Regardless of the industry or use case software runs on the end-user device delivering the highest level of security.

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