Tag Archives: securekey

DIACC White Paper: Consumer Digital Identity Leveraging Blockchain

The Commission on Enhancing National Cyber Security report from December 1st, 2016 emphasized the importance of securing and growing the digital economy. In line with the recommendations from this document, and in compliance with the Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada’s (DIACC) 10 Canadian Principles of a Digital Identity Ecosystem, SecureKey Technologies entered into a multiphase program with DIACC and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) to evaluate, develop, and deliver a solution for enabling distributed privacy enhanced identity ecosystems.

This paper summarizes the work done as part of Phase 3 of the program, concentrating on the “Commercialization of the Verified.Me project,” and building upon the recommendations from the Applied Research completed in Phase 2 which are further described in this white paper.

Download the paper.
