Tag Archives: new member

Spotlight on IMDS

1.What is the mission and vision of IMDS?

Since the 1980s, we have been hearing about paper-free businesses and the drive to move toward a more digital workplace. Today, the approach to digitally transform businesses has shifted from a technology-first perspective to a more business centric approach, with paper-free processes becoming a focal point and opportunity for many organizations.

In 1995, IMDS’ co-founders wrote the book The Advanced Document and described the following three areas: outbound documents, inbound documents and the lifecycle of documents. These three areas work together and in today’s world (whether it’s a document or a communication), this model still applies:

• Inbound documents – document capture and data extraction

• Outbound documents – customer communications management (CCM)

• Archiving – Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

With offices in Quebec, Montreal and Paris, the IMDS Research and Development centre is based in Montreal. This team works on automatic processing technologies linked to the document, and more particularly on pattern recognition and classification methods, and on facial recognition solutions using machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

A strong digital identity is needed for businesses and administrations to create an accurate and complete view of the customer, allowing on-going conversations, a strong engagement; and personalized and relevant content. Transactions are growing in volume and complexity. Customers are now in the driver’s seat, and they expect seamless, omni-channel service delivery.

But this approach needs to allow individuals to have complete control over their data identity.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

Digital identify needs to incorporate a strong identification and authentication process.

The use of biometrics made a technological leap. Facial recognition is more and more widespread when accessing your mobile terminal or your computer. However, access to the mobile terminal often gives access without additional authentication to applications or services for which a first authentication has already been performed beforehand or which relies on an identification provider.

Access  to a digital wallet requires a higher level of security, at least for certain important steps in account management (i.e., creation, request for a digital certificate, access to confidential information, etc.) IMDS addresses these challenges with a strong authentication approach that is based on multi-criteria authentication: i.e. Photo ID document verification, selfie, liveness, etc.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada has an opportunity to be the leader in digital identity and trust services. Some of the best universities in the world, R&D companies, software vendors, consultants and experts are here in Canada.

DIACC and its members all experts in their own field are the proof that Canada will lead the way in this space.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

The goal of many organizations is to provide a digital identity for citizens, supported by a digital wallet, to simplify and expand access to government services.

IMDS joined DIACC to collaborate with a group of experts, share, and learn from other Canadian businesses, in order to participate in the creation of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

IMDS is the software vendor for AD’DOC Capture Pro. AD’DOC ™

Capture Pro is a state-of-the-art solution for character recognition, document data verification and facial recognition. Easy to learn, AD’DOC ™ Capture Pro will allow you to quickly design a document dematerialization workflow.

Thanks to its experience that was forged over 20 years in this field, and with more than 750 million documents scanned per year and (more than 20 billion characters recognized per year) AD’DOC ™ Capture Pro is a complete production solution that has proven itself in many industries (Banks, Administration, etc.).

Spotlight on Everlink

1.What is the mission and vision of Everlink?

Vision – To be the leading provider of Comprehensive, Innovative and Integrated Payment Solutions and Services for credit unions, banks and SMEs in Canada.


• Continue to DIVERSIFY as a comprehensive, innovative and integrated Payment Solutions Provider, extending our core products and services and Expanding our Lines-of-Business, in alignment with a clear, understood and communicated Solution Roadmap.

• Continue to DIFFERENTIATE as a recognized Leader in the Payments Industry with Best-in-Class Performance, Innovative Solutions and Outstanding Client Service & Support.

• Continue to GROW through Expanded Market Focus, Joint-Ventures, Alliances and Partnerships.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Since we live in a digitally connected world where digital interaction becomes the de facto mode of connection between 2 parties, it is essential that we have standards around how parties could identify themselves in a digital mode. This is beneficial to all markets and would become the cornerstone of the future digital economy. As digital identity becomes a norm globally, we become positioned for inclusive growth across all sectors and aspects of life.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

In the financial sector, identity is an important component that allows transactions to happen in a compliant fashion. An identity standard would help the global financial sector innovate much further in an accelerated manner.

Everlink is one of the largest payment services firms in Canada. A digital identity framework upon which Everlink can develop new payment solutions will allow us to offer better solutions to our clients who do business worldwide.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada is already playing a thought leader role through many collaborative initiatives between the public and private sector, like the DIACC initiative. The adoption of digital identity by federal and provincial governments is not only an impetus to the Canadian private sector but to the different industry verticals and governments across the world. It is vital that the Canadian government projects initiatives like DIACC as Canada’s identity success brand and offer the rest of the world the offer to assist them and or collaborate with other similar initiatives globally.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

Identity is an integral part of the payment ecosystem. Everlink is in the business of providing innovative payment solutions to the Canadian financial service ecosystem. We want to be part of developing and incorporating the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework DIACC into the products and services we offer to our clients.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

Everlink’s 4 Cornerstones:

1. Client-Centricity

2. Operational Performance

3. Innovation

4. Strength

Everlink’s Guiding Principles:

• We are Client-Centric – Above all.

• We must Earn Our Clients’ Business every day – There is no such thing as “entitlement”.

• We get things DONE – Urgency.

• We do What We Say, When We Say; We get it Right the First Time – Quality.

• We are Focused on the Future – But respectful of the past.

About Everlink Payments Services Inc. – Everlink Payment Services Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive, innovative and integrated payments solutions and services for credit unions, banks, and SMEs across Canada. In addition to supplying best‐in-breed technology infrastructure and payment network connectivity, we offer a comprehensive range of integrated payments Lines of Business including: Payment Network Gateway, ATM Managed Services, Card Issuance & Management, Fraud Management Solutions, Mobile Payments, Professional Services and SME Solutions.

Visit us at www.Everlink.ca

Spotlight on Vaultie

1.What is the mission and vision of Vaultie?

At Vaultie our mission is to allow physical people to both provide, and control, indisputable links to their digital documents (and other assets) while providing complete user control over their documents privacy. From legal documents to payments to driver’s licenses, we strive to let people stand beside their actions and intent. We do this by building secure, easy-to-use software based on verifiable credentials, blockchain, and ethical facial recognition. All of which have incredible power to enable this technology and together are creating the ability to provide a safer and more efficient future.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

A trustworthy digital identity is critical for existing and emerging markets because it breaks down barriers and allows business to be conducted regardless of location and economic circumstances. The ability to trust a person, despite not having them physically present is necessary to allow cross-border cooperation on business activities and this software facilitates this.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does your organization address challenges associated with this transformation?

Digital identity will streamline the way Canadians access their most important services, from government services to banking, to legal documents. Most importantly, digital identity and authentication shift control of that information to the user which is more secure and protects their privacy.

Digital identities will become a critical compliance tool for many businesses, particularly banking, law, government services, and insurance by facilitating trust between the person and a “Verifier”. On the most relatable level, the trust that can be facilitated by digital identity enables Canadians to spend less time physically having to go somewhere to show credentials or sign documents and more time on their own projects or with their families.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada has already demonstrated its ability to lead the charge in digital identity and services. It has an educated user base who are demanding frictionless interactions with industries that seem to be willing to adopt them. DIACC plays a central role in bringing all of those players to the table and creating a unified landscape which we can use to facilitate digital identity standards across various industries. We’re thrilled to be joining the conversation on how to best make that a reality.

5. Why did your organization join the DIACC?

We think Verifiable Credentials and digital ID play an important role in shaping the way Canadians access their services and conduct business. There’s a lot of industries that need to collaborate in order to facilitate that reality. We joined DIACC to be part of that conversation, offer our expertise on Identity linked documents, and learn how we can facilitate the adoption of digital ID and authentication through conversations with other industry players.

6. What else should we know about your organization?

We’re a group of young energized technologists, with backgrounds in financial services and blockchain, and access to a coffee machine! We’re driven by allowing people to show transparency in their business dealings, while maintaining their privacy. Vaultie started off with a goal of creating a fraud-proof digital signature, which could show indisputable proof that a person, and not just their account, signed a document. We’re really proud of our Vaultie digital signature product, which can be verified and trusted by any third party the signatory chooses to share it with. We could not have dreamed about the opportunities that now exist with digital credentials and are excited to be working on the future of trustless interactions.

Spotlight on ECAD Labs Inc.

1.What is the mission and vision of ECAD Labs Inc.?

At ECAD Labs Inc., our mission is to increase the GDP of the blockchain economy by creating safe and easy-to-use software development tools for blockchain applications. As an open-source first company, we are most successful when we empower all developers to build innovative, world-changing applications

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Decentralized ID and authentication tools built on public blockchain protocols will provide an accessible, trusted, and secure platform for individuals to manage their personal information and interact online with businesses and governments. These tools can have a profound impact on Canada and emerging markets by improving access to regulated online services while reducing reliance on intermediaries that may suffer from limited oversight or trust.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does ECAD Labs Inc. address challenges associated with this transformation?

Decentralized digital identity and authentication will transform the Canadian and global economy by shifting control of personal information back to consumers and reducing compliance costs for regulated entities providing online products and services.

This technology will become a critical compliance tool for businesses and institutions as virtual currencies, digital securities and other blockchain-based products and services are integrated into regulated markets.

At ECAD Labs Inc., we are building open-source developer tools to simplify the adoption of decentralized digital identities in blockchain applications.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

As an advanced, educated, and urbanized economy with high online connectivity rates, Canada is well-positioned to become a leader in the development and adoption of digital identity and verification technologies.

DIACC plays a vital role in this process, and ECAD Labs Inc. is excited to join the conversation.

5. Why did ECAD Labs Inc. join the DIACC?

At ECAD Labs Inc., we believe that decentralized digital identification and verification tools  will facilitate the mass adoption of virtual currencies and other blockchain technologies. Our goal is to provide our clients with open-source software development tools that support vendor neutral access to decentralized ID and authentication services interoperable across technologies and jurisdictions.

Joining DIACC will help us understand, support and develop decentralized ID and verification standards, meet community members and advocate for a regulatory environment that promotes Canadian innovation.

6. What else should we know about ECAD Labs Inc.?

ECAD Labs Inc. is a Vancouver based software development company that builds and maintains open-source software development tools and libraries for the Tezos blockchain protocol, including the TezosTaquito.io TypeScript library, Signatory.io remote signer, and TezGraph.com indexer API. We are currently working with industry partners to support decentralized identities in various blockchain applications.

Spotlight on ApplyBoard

1.What is the mission and vision of ApplyBoard?

 ApplyBoard believes that education is a right, not a privilege. The company empowers prospective international students around the world to access the best education by simplifying the study abroad search, application, and acceptance process. By connecting international students, academic institutions, and recruitment partners on a single digital platform, ApplyBoard drives qualified student applications and diversity to over 1,200 campuses across Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. To date, ApplyBoard has assisted more than 120,000 students along their educational journeys and has become the world leader in providing study abroad opportunities.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

As a company that has disrupted the traditional education application process

through technological innovation, ApplyBoard understands the importance of developing a trustworthy digital identity. The company has broken down barriers to accessing information and opportunity, creating a global digital ecosystem that spans thousands of partners and customers in hundreds of countries around the world. During the online application process, the ability to trust the identity of the applicant is key to improving global mobility. Proof of identity is required at various stages of the international student journey, including admission, international payments, and immigration.

ApplyBoard recently launched ApplyProof, an industry-leading platform that enables immigration stakeholders, students, and institutions to validate document authenticity by providing access to the digital original held securely by ApplyProof. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital ecosystems and doing business online, driving the need for heightened security and privacy demands. It is critical for businesses like ApplyBoard to innovate and partner with organizations like DIACC to champion the creation of secure digital properties and tools to drive a digital future.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does ApplyBoard address challenges associated with this transformation?

ApplyBoard firmly believes that by creating a strong digital identity framework for Canadians, we will be able to build global trust that will increase capacity for international collaborations. International students play a vital role in driving the Canadian economy. By improving efficiency and trust in the digital ecosystem, the international education segment will thrive faster with fewer costs while positively impacting local economies. Additionally, a robust digital identity framework will reduce international students’ reliance on shared physical locations, allowing them to learn from multiple locations simultaneously from around the world.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

By bringing together the most forward-thinking public and private sector organizations, institutions, and other stakeholders in the country, Canada has the ability to step up and become a global leader in the digital identification and authentication space. Working together, these groups will showcase their abilities and achieve collectively desired outcomes that benefit Canadians and drive us closer to creating a secure, scalable, inclusive, and privacy-enhancing digital ecosystem.

5. Why did ApplyBoard join the DIACC?

ApplyBoard has joined DIACC to become a foundational member of the ecosystem that’s addressing key identification issues. ApplyBoard is excited to bring its technology and experience to the ecosystem while having the opportunity to learn from other leaders. Together, we will improve the international student journey for the thousands of students that choose to study in Canada every year. As we grow our base of global partners, we are excited to play a role in sharing standards around the world.

6. What else should we know about ApplyBoard?

ApplyBoard was founded in 2015 by Martin, Meti, and Massi Basiri, three brothers that came from Iran to study at post-secondary institutions in Canada. Today, the company has grown to become the world’s largest online platform for international student recruitment, using AI and machine learning to assist more than 120,000 students with their educational journeys. In 2019, ApplyBoard was named the fastest-growing technology company in Canada by Deloitte, ranking #1 on the Technology Fast 50™. The company ranked #2 in 2020. To learn more about ApplyBoard, please visit their website.

Spotlight on FaceTec

1.What is the mission and vision of FaceTec?

FaceTec’s mission is to end identity theft and protect privacy by ensuring access to important accounts and information is only available to their legal owners. FaceTec’s state-of-the-art biometric cybersecurity AI has been specifically designed to enable widespread, secure, unsupervised identity verification and user authentication from any modern smart device or PC with a webcam. 

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Strong, reliable, digital identity verification empowers individuals by allowing full access and control over current accounts, and protects them when they open new accounts. Trusted digital identity is also critical for enterprise, allowing them to ensure the customers they interact with are legally who they purport to be. By fostering trust on both sides of any remote interaction, FaceTec lowers friction while increasing value. Beyond quantifiable economic benefits, effective user authentication offers noneconomic value to individuals through social and political inclusion, rights protection, and enhanced transparency. The certainty trustworthy digital identity provides is a benefit to individuals, organizations, and society as a whole, and drives higher overall social and economic utility.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does FaceTec address challenges associated with this transformation?

The adoption of a trustworthy remote digital identity verification program will pay quick and lasting dividends in Canada’s social, economic, and political activities. Natural communications barriers – within and outside of Canada – including vast distances, changing weather, and topographical challenges, will be minimized, fostering simplified, trusted interactions regardless of the environmental circumstances.

FaceTec’s technologies were created from inception to promote inclusion and provide the same advantages to anyone with digital access, regardless of their physical, economic, or social status.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada’s international reputation for thoughtful, rational decision-making will lend significant credibility to the adoption of strong digital identification programs. With a very diverse and large population, Canada will prove to be a beacon for other large-scale digital ID projects that society as a whole will benefit from.

5. Why did FaceTec join the DIACC?

The DIACC’s goals and approaches to solving a major social and economic problem are aligned with FaceTec’s. Leveraging the DIACC’s comprehensive relationship network and FaceTec’s first-hand technology and market experience, will ensure the development of a much more effective and inclusive solution.

6. What else should we know about FaceTec?

A pioneer and global leader in biometric cybersecurity dedicated to privacy, security, and transparency, FaceTec has provided the most accurate remote authentication technology to hundreds-of-millions of users on six continents. FaceTec patented 3D FaceScan UI, battle-tested 3D Liveness Detection, and 3D Face Matching AI anchors identity and enables true passwordless authentication from all modern smart devices and webcam-enabled systems. FaceTec’s small-footprint (3.9mb) device SDKs and neural-network-powered server SDK comprise a complete, feature-rich authentication platform that allows customers’ user data to stay encrypted behind their own firewalls. Easy to integrate into any app or web page, hundreds of organizations now provide exceptionally secure new account onboarding and ongoing access to high-value accounts in financial and government institutions, telecoms, ecommerce, blockchain, social networks, and more.

Spotlight on Acuant

1.What is the mission and vision of Acuant?

Acuant’s mission is to power trust. We do this by enabling trusted transactions that are privacy minded, putting consumers in control of their data and minimizing risk. We are mindful that a mission must be founded upon a set of core values and business principles. For Acuant this means that we take a customer centric approach that defines our purpose, guides our products and harnesses the innovation and enthusiasm of our people. Our vision is that identity is the new currency and it should belong to the individual who may choose when and how to share their personally identifying information or PII. This must be balanced with the fact that the need for strong, customer-friendly identity proofing solutions has never been greater. As PII is continuously jeopardized, Acuant serves to find a way to create trusted transactions that puts individuals at ease and in control, while simultaneously allowing businesses to address their appropriate level of risk. We see ourselves as a global player on the good side of managing identity to aid in reducing human trafficking, combatting commercial fraud and safeguarding our borders

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

Acuant believes that digital identity will unlock both the Canadian and global markets by providing two critical ingredients:  1) an individual’s personal control over their own identity and how it is used; 2) the ability for a commercial or government to trust the transaction even when the person is not present.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does Acuant address challenges associated with this transformation?

Acuant has been and remains committed to the proper and protected use of identity in powering transactions from boarding crossings to payments. Our Trusted Identity Platform provides identity verification, regulatory compliance and digital identity solutions leveraging AI and human assisted machine learning to deliver tools and technologies necessary for this transformation.  These omnichannel solutions provide seamless customer experiences when it comes to verifying identity, fighting fraud and establishing trust across the physical and digital world. The result is accurate risk decisioning, allowing businesses to move faster and deliver the best user experience across all channels.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

We believe that Canada provides a wonderful canvas for the design and implementation of a digital identity ecosystem.  It has a robust economy, a diverse population who embrace choice, control and convenience, principles in privacy and democratic regulation and a long history of working hard to collaborate with international standards and enabling interoperability.

5. Why did Acuant join the DIACC?

Acuant joined DIACC because we believe in and want to participate in the creation of a Pan-Canadian trust framework that we envision being woven together with like frameworks from around the world.  Acuant has a long history of working with government  and commercial entities in fighting the good fight against fraud, terrorism, human trafficking, anti-money laundering with the utmost respect for privacy and  an individual’s control over their identity (which, as we state,  we view as the new currency).  We have also had a long tradition of working in Canada.

6. What else should we know about Acuant?

At Acuant we build great products and we stand behind those products. We have been in the industry for over 20 years, processing more than 4 million transactions each month in over 200 countries and territories and have created more than 400 million trusted digital identities with our patented eDNA™ technology. Our Trusted Identity Platform offers automated identity verification, regulatory compliance (AML/KYC) and digital identity solutions for the most secure environments (government services, border crossings, healthcare, banking) to consumer lifestyle apps and everything in between. We offer omnichannel deployment that allows seamless customer experiences for all to fight fraud and establish trust from any location in seconds.

Spotlight on ARUCC

1.What is the mission and vision of ARUCC?

The Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC) provides leadership in the post-secondary education field and service to its member institutions nationally and internationally, helping foster the advancement of registrarial practices in Canada. ARUCC strives to meet the needs of its members by adopting proactive measures reflecting changes in our professional environment.

Member institutions consist of universities, colleges and polytechnics that are recognized through either Universities Canada or the Colleges and Institutes Canada.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

The need for online solutions increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. These solutions will become the norm as Canada and the global economy adapt to consumer expectations. As members of the post-secondary education field in Canada, we are not unfamiliar with the need for trustworthy digital identity given the increased demand for sending/receiving electronic documents.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does ARUCC address challenges associated with this transformation?

Digital identity is most often managed as a gate to individual businesses through methods such as confidential passwords, PINs, and security questions. With each business having its own requirements (i.e., variations of password length and structure) it becomes nearly impossible for people to remember them all. Businesses and post-secondary institutions are forming allegiances to minimize the impact on the individual while maintaining trustworthy digital identity. An example of this is with CRA and banking passwords.

ARUCC also recognizes the need for trustworthy digital identity and is leading the implementation of a National Network with the core objective of improving permission-based, trusted access and portability of learner documents (i.e., transcripts, confirmation letters) across Canada and with trusted international partners for students, graduates, participating post-secondary institutions, provincial application centres and member 3rd party organizations.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada is in the global arena and is recognized as being trustworthy and reliable. From the post-secondary perspective, Canada has over 2.5 million students including more than 642 thousand international students[1] (based on 2019 statistics). As a destination for higher education it is imperative that trusted networks be established for identity management. The formation of the ARUCC National Network allows us to establish a ‘made for Canada’ solution that can also be tied to other trusted networks (i.e., My eQuals, CHESICC).

In 2018 Canada ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention which demonstrates our commitment to the recognition of academic credentials, which need to be portable, as learners and alumni move to work and live around the globe. This inspires the work of ARUCC to enhance trusted document exchange and provide learner credential wallets.

5. Why did ARUCC join the DIACC?

ARUCC believes in working together to achieve common goals. We feel the purpose of ARUCC and the creation of the National Network to support learner mobility aligns well with DIACC’s principals.

6. What else should we know about ARUCC?

ARUCC was formed in 1964 and became incorporated in 2018. It includes over 150 member institutions representing over 2.5 million current learners and millions of alumni from within Canada and around the globe.

Spotlight on Stash

1.What is the mission and vision of Stash?

Our mission is to provide people with the tools and education to help them protect their online accounts. Our vision is a digital world in which people do not reuse any of their passwords across multiple accounts. Ever. Stash is bringing this vision to reality by delivering an offline password manager that makes it easy for people to create and securely manage strong, unique passwords for every single account they have. Ultimately, removing the difficulty and frustrations of having to do it on their own.

2. Why is trustworthy digital identity critical for existing and emerging markets?

In the digital age, it is too easy for people to remain anonymous online or claim to be someone they aren’t. In the physical world, we have ways of proving who we are through different identification methods which makes it difficult for someone to fake their identity. As we increasingly go digital, we need a form of digital identity to help people stay secure and limit their risks of being the subject of fraudulent activity.

3. How will digital identity transform the Canadian and global economy? How does Stash address challenges associated with this transformation?

Simply put, digital identity will make it safer and easier for Canadians to operate online. This will lead to people conducting more business online, nationally and internationally, in ways in which they were not comfortable before.

While it is clear that digital services aid in the efficiencies of businesses and organizations, trusted digital identity has been relegated to a side note by many leaders across numerous sectors in Canada. As digital solutions continue to evolve, access to such services still requires end users to create usernames and passwords – leaving them with hundreds of login credentials to manage.

In the digital world, it has become critical to have strong password management practices. With the ever-increasing amount of online services that require passwords, many are left feeling overwhelmed and frustrated leading them to sacrifice security for convenience. Using a password manager allows people to improve their password security while providing the convenience and peace of mind needed to go about their lives.

Stash Password Manager was created to remove the frustrations of trying to manage unique, complex passwords for all of our digital accounts while ensuring each of your usernames and passwords are securely stored offline and making logging into accounts easy.

4. What role does Canada have to play as a leader in this space?

Canada is seen by many global observers as a trustworthy, safe and stable country. Once Canada moves beyond its strategic framework and implements various capacities of digital identification, our reputation will allow us to help influence the rest of the world in adopting a standardized digital identity protocol.

5. Why did Stash join the DIACC?

We believe our patent pending Island Technology™ and our approach to online security can assist in DIACC’s mission to achieve excellence in digital identity.

6. What else should we know about Stash?

The simplest way for people to protect their own digital accounts is by having a strong, unique password for every single account they have.

Stash was created because we realized people needed a way, that was both secure and convenient, to easily manage all of the different usernames and passwords they are forced to use in the digital age. We believe the only way to securely manage all of our login credentials (usernames + passwords) and truly keep them safe is to physically store them offline in a way that keeps them disconnected from the internet. This means they should not be managed on any device that is connected to the internet, as those devices can be hacked.

At the heart of Stash is Island Technology™. Island Technology™ creates an air-gapped “island” which allows a user to isolate their data and store it in a secure manner that keeps it disconnected from the internet. Essentially it acts as a dynamic, one way communication bridge that safely transfers data from a disconnected vault to the online world. Although we utilize this technology in transferring login credentials, other companies are now beginning to recognize Island Technology™ for its unique utility in additional use cases.

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